Graduation 2014

 In anticipation of our Graduation ceremony our class made, caps, crowns and invitations.

And of course we wrote a speech....
 "We started out this school year exploring lines because lines are the basis for writing and critical in structure building and we thought this would be an exciting springboard for our new year. What we soon discovered was something much bigger- that lines are not just marks on a page, lines are about connection. They are what connected us from roads to bridges- bridges to maps- maps to space and back again.
This School year has been a long journey of connection and how we are all connected. We are connected to the water, the soil, the solar system, to our beautiful planet Earth and all the living things that call it home. And now because of this class and our shared experience of watching these children grow, we as teachers are connected to you.
     This is a big day- your child's first graduation of the many to follow. They are off to explore the bigger world that lies outside the walls of Imagine. While on their new journey and all of the exploring that lies ahead our hope is that something of this place remains- a spark of wonder and curiosity, a warm feeling of being treated with love and kindness and maybe a random happy memory that seems to pop out of nowhere. I do believe we are connected and always will be by that invisible string.

It has been wonderful spending this year with your children; we have taken great pleasure in watching their expressions of joy, laughing along to their humor, admiring their strengths, and using their individuality as a platform for learning in our class.
Our classroom works so well because we truly respect and love these kids. And because of that respect and love we foster a sense of understanding and appreciation that allows for the expression of ideas, creativity, and construction of knowledge. This time of year is cause to celebrate their achievements in what we feel is the making of a strong foundation for their future successes not only in academia but in many areas of life." Erin & Chris

Happy Graduation class of 2014!

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