Lines that squiggle and bend
This project was inspired by the book “Lines that squiggle” by Candace Whitman . If the straight line is the first step to understanding form, the next step would be lines that bend and curve. Yarn can provoke this understanding in a fun and very engaging way. It can start out straight and be manipulated to create so many different kinds of lines.
The children honed their cutting skills to produce yarn lines of different sizes.
When we had a big pile of colorful, squiggly lines we used tongs or fingers to dip pieces of yarn into glue.
The yarn was then placed on poster board.
It was a great way to segue from the straight line to lines that squiggle and curve.

Using clay the children used clay to create their own lines.
Exploring lines has led us to the circle. One of our friends pointed out that a circle is a line that curves. We also realized that when two ends of a curved line meet it makes a circle. Lines that are straight that connect make the letter A or any of the straight line letters. Lines that curve help us make the rest. This is the foundation we lay . We explore this through different mediums to help develop all the skills needed for future writing and reading.
Most adults might just see colorful art work of children in these creations. As educators of small children we see in these creations the beginning of a journey. A journey that starts out with a mark on a piece of paper and turns into all things possible.