Who is the line leader?

We have completed and hung our new line leader creation. All of our beautiful yarn wrapped branches connected together to make this lovely masterpiece created by our whole class. A true community project. In previous years, our line leader mobile had the days of the week. This year, we are doing it a bit differently. Instead, we are using the words yesterday, today, and tomorrow, at least for now. It’s already provoked a few good discussions. Today, a child asked why isn’t there anyone’s name on “tomorrow”? We talked about this day being the last day of our school week and that tomorrow is a day we don’t come to school. On Monday, we might wonder why there is no one on yesterday. This is our attempt at finding a new way to signify who the line leader is without using the days of the week. We might add the days of the week as we feel it appropriate. For now, we are doing  a lot of thinking about what the words “before” and “after” mean. It’s come up for us as a group this year, the idea of the future and the past. One of our friends said, “the future has robots in it”. As that might certainly be true, it was interesting to point out that the future is anytime after “now”. The future is tomorrow and yesterday was the past. It’s amazing to watch the way these amazing minds are trying to make sense of this big world.

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