The Third Teacher
The Reggio approach to education believes that the environment is the third teacher. In a recent staff enrichment meeting we discussed the topic of how children learn in depth. Where and how does learning happen? At Imagine we believe the environment should be rich with opportunities for children to discover and explore, with many possibilities for children to become inspired. The environment should be one that gives the children the freedom to form their own ideas about the world, and test their theories out. There should be plenty of time given for children to interact with each other, giving them many opportunities to share discovered knowledge with each other and the adults that share the space. The teacher, who is the second teacher (the parent being the first), is responsible for creating this environment. The environment reflects a classroom culture of kindness and respect. This space we create places a strong emphasis on valuing the ideas, feelings, and creations of the children.
With this in mind....
This summer the preschool is providing the children with a multitude of water experiences. The environment will be rich with opportunities to explore the different properties of water using all of their senses. We will also be experimenting with different art mediums to prepare ourselves for the coming school year. These art mediums will be introduced through provocations that all suggest water.
The blog may not follow its typical pattern. I am not sure of the shape it will take but my guess is that it may become more of a photo journal of our collective experiences. What you read will be the voices of the children...
Happy summer....and go get into some water!
“Water comes from the water fountain and from rain”. Leo
“I think it comes from a water factory. Sometimes it comes from pipes”.Penelope
“It comes from the rain”. Max
“It’s on the ground and then it goes into the clouds and then it rains and it’s on the ground again”. Roy
“The water is so blurry when I do this”. Cece
“I see the reflection of my hand moving in the water”. Roy
“If it heavy it sinks, if it’s light it floats”. Daniela

“When water gets cold it turns into ice”. Roy
“When water gets cold it turns into ice”. Roy