Halloween 2017!
We have a Halloween tradition at Imagine.
Every year the week before the holiday everyone gets a chance to draw a jack o lantern face.
One of the faces will be the design we carve into our classroom pumpkin.
Last week all our friends had a chance to trace a pumpkin on our light table.
Drawing our own jack o lantern faces gives us the chance to draw our own circles.
We talk about how many eyes, where the nose goes and general placement of all the parts. We looked at different jack o lanterns to get ideas.
There are happy faces and there are scary faces. We talked about different shapes like triangles and noticed that many jack o lantern faces have triangle eyes and noses.
It was interesting to see that most of our friends chose to make their eyes and noses round so everyone had great practice drawing circles.
The day before we carve the pumpkin we vote on the design that we will use when we carve our jack o lantern. This is always a great opportunity to talk about what it means to vote.
We count up the votes and talk about which design had the “most” votes.
Everyone helps with the cleaning out of the pumpkin. It’s pretty messy work.
The way we involve the children in the carving part of this activity is to supply golf tees and a hammer and let them hammer the tees into the pumpkin on the lines of design. A teacher finishes the carving.
This years design came out great!
Happy Halloween everyone!