Spooky Shadows
We used our overhead projector to create a Halloween shadow puppet show.
For our forest we used sticks for trees and clay for a base.
We added spanish moss to give our forest a spooky look.
Provocations involving shadows and light are always compelling to small children. "What's making the shadow?" It's amazing to watch the children through trial and error gain an understanding and fascinating to see the different levels of understanding amongst this age group.
The puppet show was a hands on way for the children to have an authentic experience which allowed for their own construction of knowledge. It was tricky for them to figure out how to have the puppet show without their body in the way. They also discovered that they had to hold the puppet a certain way to see the image, sideways didn't work.
The children made up stories, some made them into a book but in the end we decided as a class to come up with one story that we would perform for the whole school on Halloween.
Happy Halloween 2014!