Opposites/ Numbers
Basic Numeracy
Rote learning may be a handy tool to teach the names and order of numbers, but it needs to be supplemented with hands on activities so that children can gain an understanding that each number refers to a set amount or group of objects. In order to perform higher order calculations such as addition and subtraction, children must first be able to recognize and create concrete examples to represent numbers.Conservation of Number
One important concept that young children often have difficulty understanding is conservation. Visual cues are very important for young children. If a tightly clustered group of objects is spread out they often believe that the number of objects has become greater. It is important to teach children that no matter how many times the layout of a group of objects is changed, the number of objects remains the same.One-to-One Correspondence
In order for children to grasp the concept of conservation, they need to be given the tools to prove the theory for themselves. This is where one-to-one correspondence comes in. Simply put, one-to-one correspondence is the process of touching one object for each number that is counted aloud. This may seem simple but many children initially find it difficult to coordinate their counting with the movement of their hand.Read more at Suite101: Counting and One-to-One Correspondence: Preschool and Kindergarten Maths Activities http://preschool.suite101.com/article.cfm/counting_and_onetoone_correspondence#ixzz0gqPwUo0X
The VPK kids glued dried beans on popsicle sticks .
Counting by two's