We All Belong

We have had a very busy couple of weeks in the preschool. In the beginning of every new school year we like to take our time learning the rules of our classroom and getting to know each other. We have many new friends and it takes time to really feel comfortable and so much of that comfort comes from knowing the rules and expectations and building trust in your new teachers. We are excited for the coming school year and looking forward to all the things we are going to explore and discover together. Our first project was to make a "We all belong" mobile. The children were paired with a new friend and each was asked to paint the others hand. While we were doing this we thought of questions to ask our new friend. The children asked each other about their favorite foods, pets and there were many questions about siblings. We are hoping that this activity helped children feel more connected to each other and gave them some tools to help them form new friendships. When the hand p...