
After having so much fun learning and exploring simple machines, we read the books, What Do You do with an Idea and The Most Magnificent Thing . The first book makes the reader question what they would do with a new idea and the second about a little girl that sets to work bringing an idea to life. This got us thinking about how things were invented. How someone had to have an idea for something before that something was created. We set to work with various materials, tapeing, bending and fastening. Some children had an idea of what they were creating before starting to build, while others decided what their invention was once it was completed. Some of the inventions had practical purposes, “This blows leaves away. It’s also called a "Stamp it." "When your leg isn’t acting right you use it like this", (makes motion as if walking with a cane.) While others were completely unique. “It’s a remote that puts on movies for grown ups on a special TV that tells them abo...