
Showing posts from June, 2013

Color Wheels

We traced color wheels and colored them in using crayons and colored pencils. We used our color wheel drawings as provocation and reference for creating our color wheel compositions. For a final activity we made a giant color wheel composition that the children all worked on together.

Color Shades

We painted wine corks different shades of the same color. This was a great way to start a conversation about color and shade.For some this was a review but for our new friends this activity was a great way to introduce the concept. We used our beautifully colored corks to provoke an activity that has the children line up colors by shades an in rainbow order.

Exploring Color

We used the light projector to show the class how different primary colors mix. We all guessed what we thought would happen when two colors were painted together and then compared the results. It was a really fun way to use the projector and have a color review!  We then took turns changing our hair and skin color by standing in front of the projector while blending different colors. We loved turning purple,green and orange! We also painted beautiful paintings inspired by the story "Little Blue and Little Yellow" by Leo Lionni

Color Sorting

We asked the question, "What are the primary colors?" We also had a discussion about secondary and tertiary colors. In preparation for future activities we sorted different materials by color and shades.We lined them up in rainbow order.

Learning Important Skills (or more fun with scissors!)

We did another pretty cool cutting activity. We hung yarn from the ceiling and let the children practice their new cutting skills. Everyone loved this activity and I have to say they are becoming very good with a pair of scissors. When the yarn was all cut down they continued to cut the pieces on the table.  To finish off this activity we sorted the different colored yarn into jars.

Matisse Collages

Summer is here and with it came some big changes. Many of our little ones who have recently turned three have moved into the preschool. This time of year typically feels a little like starting all over again. The first week of our summer camp is primarily spent getting used to our new surroundings and learning the rules in the preschool. We also introduced some new materials and mediums.Our new friends learned how to use scissors and glue sticks.  We used our cutting scraps to make collages just like Henri Matisse, a famous artist that we read about. With our new color printer we made beautiful Father's day cards for our amazing Dads.  We are excited about the new things we will be exploring this summer. We are off to a great start!

Graduation 2013

With the big day right around the corner we realized we had a lot to do to get ready. Everyone joined in and took some part in making our caps and crowns, our invitations and decorations and of course learning our graduation song. Change and transformation has been a continuing theme throughout the Spring in our classroom. The children have discovered that they are part of the change that is happening all around us everyday.  This day is a celebration of change and transformation.  Happy graduation 2013!