
Showing posts from December, 2012

Senior Math Project

The seniors were introduced to some math concepts this week. Everyone colored a pizza. We cut the pizza in "half".  They learned that half means splitting something into 2 equal parts. We cut the halves in half and learned that this is called quarters. 1 "whole", 2 "halves" and 4 "quarters. They also practiced writing the numbers 1-4. 

We Made Play Dough!

We did a partner project this week. With a friend the children made play dough from start to finish. D is for dough! They measured,poured and mixed. They were each asked to choose a color . They watched what color it turned when it was mixed together with their partners color. We also made rubbings of the letter's C and D. We also did some letter stamping with ink. The seniors practiced writing the letter D.  They drew a picture of a dog and dictated a "sentence" that "describes" their drawing.  They traced over their sentences.